Visual Arts Awards 2023

Our school actively integrates e-learning into the Visual Arts curriculum and has recently established digital art creation class. Our students enthusiastically participated in various digital painting competitions and achieved remarkable results.

1. My Idol Digital Illustration Competition College Section (Primary & Secondary schools) Champion 

Organization: HKICS 7

2. Panda Love Digital Drawing Competition

Organization: Socity of Boys’ Centres

The awardees include:

3B Lam Tsz Ying: Champion (Junior secondary)

3D Xie Chun Ming: 1st Runner-up (Junior secondary)

4A Yung Fung Yee: 1st Runner-up (Senior secondary)

3. Black and White Painting Competition 2023

Organization: Superior Culture

5A Shi Zhixian Bronze Award

4. Flower Drawing Competition

Organization: Superior Culture

3C Wong Chun Hei: Gold Award

3A Yung Yuen Lam: Gold Award

3A Chen Yau Ching: Gold Award

5. The 2nd My Favorite Cartoon Digital Drawing Competition

Organization: Superior Culture

5A Shi Zhixian: Silver Award

6. The national round of Future Intelligence students Olympiad

Organization : FISO national round 

4E Chow Tsz Kiu: 1st Runner-up

7. The Visual Masterpiece Competition, London 2023-2024

Organization :VMCL and Global Competition Union

4E Chow Tsz Kiu: Silver Award

The 8th Hong Kong School Cultural and Art Festival

Organization : HKSCAF

4E Chow Tsz Kiu: 1st Runner up

9. The Arts Ambassadors-in-School

The Arts Ambassadors-in-School Scheme organised by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) is an arts promotion scheme for primary and secondary schools. Students demonstrated their artistic talents and potentials while inviting others to partake in the fun of creating the arts, living out the cooperative spirit of ‘Live in Art, Thrive in Sharing’.

Arts Ambassadors: 4A Yung Fung Yee, 4E Ng Kwan Yin

10. Art Creation Hong Kong: Creative Art, Technology, and Cultural Heritage Gifted Program 

Hung Sui Ching from 4A joined the "Art Creation Hong Kong: Creative Art, Technology, and Cultural Heritage Gifted Program" this academic year. This program is an extra-curricular advanced learning course funded by the Education Bureau's Gifted Education Fund. It is organized by the Learning Sciences and Technologies Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in collaboration with the Chinese University of Hong Kong Art Museum.

In this program, artists led the students in creating their graduation artworks, combining modern technology with traditional Chinese art through unique and creative interactive techniques. The four main themes of reinterpretation were "Porcelain," "Chinese Ink Painting," "Chinese Calligraphy," and "Cultural Heritage Protection." Let us appreciate this work that transcends time and connects the past with the present!

Introduction of the Artwork: Heritage

Preserving cultural relics. Safeguarding history, inheriting culture.

Each cultural relic is like a puzzle piece. It may bear inscriptions or remain without words, but through the vicissitudes it has endured, it pieces together a more authentic historical panorama, depicting the folk customs and everyday life of the past. As descendants, it allows people to resonate with the emotions and thoughts of ancient times. Cultural relics are our treasures, carrying invaluable historical and cultural value. They teach us the wisdom, art, and way of life of our ancestors, showcasing the determined spirit of the craftsmen. Protecting cultural relics is not only our responsibility but also a sign of respect for the past and the future. Preserving cultural relics requires our collective efforts. We should respect them and not use them as tools for personal gain or willfully damage them. Through education, we can raise public awareness of the importance of cultural relic preservation, ensuring that everyone understands its significance.

In the rapidly changing pace of Hong Kong, the short film "Heritage" combines the real and animated worlds, aiming to immerse the audience and provide an experiential journey. In just over two minutes, it reflects on the meaning of protecting historical culture.

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