Exhibition of Student Visual Arts Work 2023/24

Exhibition of Student Visual Arts Work 2023/24 is organised by the Arts Education (AE) Section, Curriculum Development Institute (CDI) of the Education Bureau (EDB). The Exhibition aims to display and acknowledge primary and secondary students’ accomplishments in visual arts, and enable students and teachers to learn from each other.

Among the 2,000 pieces from more than 200 participating primary and secondary schools, Lau Kit-yi from 6B won the silver prize and a $500 book coupon. At the same time, a total of three pieces by students from our school were shortlisted for the exhibition. Congratulations to all the awardees!

6B Lau Kit-Yi " One-day tour in Hong Kong with Li Bai" Silver prize
6A Tang Sheung-Wan "Prophecy" Shortlisted for exhibition
6B TAN SIN-YAN "Bondage in marriage" Shortlisted for exhibition

詳情參閱下列連結 https://www.edb.gov.hk/tc/curriculum-development/kla/arts-edu/student-activities/esvaw/index.html

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