English Week 2024

In April, the English Department organized an unprecedented successful English Week. With the support of teachers and the assistance of the English Society committee members, the English Department held various types of activities and competitions for students of different grade levels within a week. These included the S1 Running Dictation, S2 Spelling Bee Competition, and S1-S5 Scrabble Competition. The participating students competed with their peers and thoroughly enjoyed the events.

Among the numerous activities, the most popular ones were "Talk to Me!" and English Singing Contest "Come and Sing Along". Committee members from the English Society wore "Talk to Me!" ambassador badges and roamed the campus during lunchtime. When students saw them, they were like crazy fans seeing a celebrity, eagerly communicating with them in English, competing to get their autographs. The activity received full support from other non-English subject teachers, who communicated with students in English after class, for which the Department is truly grateful.

CCH English Karaoke

The English Singing Contest "Come and Sing Along" was another highlight of the English Week! The participating students showcased their talents in the competition. On stage, they demonstrated their excellent singing skills while performing popular English songs, creating a very lively atmosphere. The audience was amazed, with cheers and screams echoing, as if they were at a crowded concert. This singing contest was undoubtedly the shining moment for the participating students during the English Week!


Running Dictation




Scrabble Competition

Prize giving ceremony

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